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This text is an excellent introduction to both formal, sentential logic and informal, inductive reasoning. It extensively covers both deductive and inductive reasoning while remaining highly readable. The text presents real-life examples of both the good and the bad in human thought, giving the student a chance to reflect and respond.

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Learn how to read and speak English with confidence with this easy-to-use workbook. The book includes dozens of manageable, bite-sized lessons covering all aspects of grammar and basic vocabulary. Each lesson covers a single grammar concept and is supported by many clear examples. The book also includes tons of exercises to help you practice your new language skills, as well as streaming audio recordings of the most difficult English sounds to pronounce.

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The article discusses two skills-based courses, English for Psychology and English for Public Relations, designed for students who are about to enter English-medium tertiary level studies. The courses cover listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, and skills banks. The article also includes comprehensive teaching notes, complete answer keys, full transcripts of listening exercises, facsimiles of course book pages, and photocopiable resource pages and ideas for additional activities.

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American Accent Training: Grammar by Ann Cook is a comprehensive program that simplifies complex grammar and seamlessly combines grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, writing, comprehension, and the American accent into a simple step-by-step process. The book and 2-CD set are suitable for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students. It includes placement tests, chapter tests, a mid-term, and a final exam. The book uses 2,500 words and is an excellent resource for both ESL students and American students taking English classes.

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Курс All Clear - это учебный курс по английскому языку, который помогает студентам узнавать и использовать идиомы, фразы и современные выражения в повседневных ситуациях. Курс включает в себя диалоги, упражнения на прослушивание и говорение, а также упражнения на чтение, письмо и грамматику. Курс All Clear доступен в трех томах и издан издательством Thomson Heinle в 2007 году.

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